We are making the difference in dog food DMF dog food range is designed to cover all of our dogs needs in all phases of their life, in view of nutritionists, breeders and people with extensive experience and knowledge of both domestic and working dogs. DMF is prepared with special care and know-how, with production processes that use a quality management system based on HACCP Principles, while production takes place under GMP certification. All the above, guarantee the highest quality that we can offer to our dogs, with the maximum safety of carefully selected raw materials of the highest quality, suitable for human consumption. The compositions of our dog food fit perfectly into modern breeds of dogs, tailored to climates of southern and Central Europe. The manufacturing process of DMF follows the strictest EU rules.

There is traceability at all stages of production and strict controls on all raw materials and finished products in fully equipped laboratories. Only raw materials that meet our standards are used in DMF dog food. Each consignment of dog food produced is checked as to meet its specifications. Extensive palatability trials in dogs ensure the least possible denial in consumption. This is achieved without the use of colors and attractive/flavor enhancers. The secret lies in the natural raw materials we use in DMF dog food range. DMF dog food is a reliable, highly nutritious and a safe choice, even for the most demanding dogs. Designed by people who know, for owners who care.